Monday, January 7, 2008

Important Locations: Spar

In Namibia, the most common chain of supermarkets is named Spar. You can easily spot a Spar by its logo, an evergreen inside a circle. Despite the contradiction of using a tree that doesn't exist in Namibia, Spar's green beacon can be found in all major towns, like a herald of air conditioning, cold drinks, and western food.

In case you haven't noticed, Spar is one of my favorite getaways in Namibia. They are pretty much comparable to a good Shop Rite or small Wegman's in the States, since they all have some ready-made foods available in addition to normal groceries, and sometimes, you just need a Coke. Peace Corps Trainees will often congregate in Spar, resulting in an event known as a Sparty. However, Spar must be used with care. A PCV that attends Spartys too often will quickly run out of money.