country. The handshake begins normally with a single firm pump, then the
thumbs are hooked with the fingers wrapped around the other person's
wrist. Finally, the handshake is finished by bringing the fingers back
down into the normal handshake position and giving another firm pump.
Always use the right hand to shake.
After the handshake has ended, some people will continue to hold your
hand for a while as the conversation continues. This is relatively
common in Namibia. Note that this handshake appears to be for Namibians.
If you attempt this handshake and you are obviously not Namibian, they
may hold their hand still during the wrist-grab phase. However, if a
Namibian initiates this style of handshake with you, it is a sign that
they accept you and are comfortable with you. An additional sign of
respect I have observed in the Kavango region is to touch your right arm
just under the elbow with the fingers on your left hand.